
An annotated (and opinionated) list of web resources for current and future old folks [under construction]


Time Goes By: Written  by Ronni Bennett, who says she saw what the media had to say about aging and felt like “I might as well shoot myself. Instead, since no one else was doing it, I decided to write about ‘what it’s really like to get old’ myself.” She is an advocate for other “elderbloggers,” and maintains a comprehensive list of them on her site, along with a reader-generated blog called the Elder Storytelling Place.


Caring Connections: “Provides free resources and information to help people make decisions about end-of-life care and services before a crisis.” Most useful are the downloadable state-specific advance directive forms and a searchable database of hospices and palliative care programs. A program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

Hopice Blog: “Fighting for quality hospice care for everyone that needs it today or someday in the future.” Updates on politics and polcy, care issues, and good advice on choosing a hospice.

Pallimed: A Hospice and Palliative Medicine Blog: Created by two doctors and a nurse practicioner. “Our goal is to review current palliative medicine, hospice, end-of-life research with a particular focus on publications not from the major palliative care journals. We also highlight important events in end-of-life care from the news media and entertainment arenas.”


Center for Medicare Advocacy“A national non‑profit, non-partisan organization that provides education, advocacy, and legal assistance to help elders and people with disabilities obtain Medicare and necessary health care….The organization is involved in writing, education, and advocacy activities of importance to Medicare beneficiaries nationwide.”

Kaiser Family Foundation: Loaded with reports, fact sheets, and policy briefs reflecting the foundation’s original research. All very matter-of-fact and nonpartisan, but they clearly show the problems with Part D and Medicare Advantage. Good information on general health care policy and reform as well.

Medicare Rights Center: “Works to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through counseling, educational programs and public policy initiatives.” Offers both comprehensive resources for beneficiaries (see “Medicare Answers”) and political advocacy (see “Issues and Actions.”) A primary source for me in my coverage of Medicare.


Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “Conducts research and analysis to inform public debates over proposed budget and tax policies and to help ensure that the needs of low-income families and individuals are considered in these debates.” Solid analysis on fiscal policy issues affecting middle- and low-income elders, including the realities behind the myth that Social Security and Medicare will inveitably go bankrupt.

National Committee to Protect Social Security and Medicare: Education and advocacy organization that bills itself as the “second-largest grassroots citizens organization devoted to the retirement future for all citizens.” Second-largest of its kind after AARP, with a lot fewer compromising alliances and a clear anti-privatization position. (At $12 a year for membership, it’s 50 cents cheaper than AARP, too.)


Pension Rights Center: “The country’s only consumer organization dedicated solely to protecting and promoting the retirement security of American workers, retirees, and their families.” A watchdog and advocacy group that maintains up-to-date information on legislation and policy, as well as resources for people who need help with pension issues.


Progressive Review: Sam Smith’s site and his Undernews blog are to my mind among the best things you’ll ever find on the left side of the web. Sam collects and comments on underreported news as well as the day’s top stories, with style, pith, and a sense of history.

One response to “Resources

  1. Hi, Jim. Just saw you in the film about Ralph Nader, An Unreasonable Man. Indeed, you’re definitely not dead yet, at least not as of 2006. If you want to see where we’re headed (good news, for once), read a new little book by John Zogby (yes, the pollster), The Way We’ll Be. It’s about the new (18 to 29) Obama generation; page 108 is especially fun-filled. Nice picture at the top! Good luck from a fellow young-at-heart geezer. Gray